
8 Natural Language Processing NLP Examples

14 Natural Language Processing Examples NLP Examples

example of natural language processing

NLP, with the support of other AI disciplines, is working towards making these advanced analyses possible. Predictive text has become so ingrained in our day-to-day lives that we don’t often think about what is going on behind the scenes. As the name suggests, predictive text works by predicting what you are about to write. Over time, predictive text learns from you and the language you use to create a personal dictionary.

While a human touch is important for more intricate communications issues, NLP will improve our lives by managing and automating smaller tasks first and then complex ones with technology innovation. Natural language processing (NLP) is a field of computer science and artificial intelligence that aims to make computers understand human language. NLP uses computational linguistics, which is the study of how language works, and various models based on statistics, machine learning, and deep learning. These technologies allow computers to analyze and process text or voice data, and to grasp their full meaning, including the speaker’s or writer’s intentions and emotions.

  • NLP depends on the ability to ingest, process and analyze massive amounts of human speech — in written and verbal form — to interpret meaning and respond correctly.
  • Some of these tasks have direct real-world applications, while others more commonly serve as subtasks that are used to aid in solving larger tasks.
  • NLP models are usually based on machine learning or deep learning techniques that learn from large amounts of language data.
  • This helps search systems understand the intent of users searching for information and ensures that the information being searched for is delivered in response.
  • While there are many challenges in natural language processing, the benefits of NLP for businesses are huge making NLP a worthwhile investment.

That’s why machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are gaining attention and momentum, with greater human dependency on computing systems to communicate and perform tasks. And as AI and augmented analytics get more sophisticated, so will Natural Language Processing (NLP). While the terms AI and NLP might conjure images of futuristic robots, there are already example of natural language processing basic examples of NLP at work in our daily lives. Natural language processing is important because it helps computer systems to understand human language and respond in a way that is natural to humans. Also, business processes generate enormous amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data with complex text information that requires methods for efficient processing.

In summary, Natural language processing is an exciting area of artificial intelligence development that fuels a wide range of new products such as search engines, chatbots, recommendation systems, and speech-to-text systems. As human interfaces with computers continue to move away from buttons, forms, and domain-specific languages, the demand for growth in natural language processing will continue to increase. For this reason, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is committed to providing on-premises performance with our performance-optimized compute shapes and tools for NLP. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers an array of GPU shapes that you can deploy in minutes to begin experimenting with NLP.

What are the applications of NLP models?

To better understand the applications of this technology for businesses, let’s look at an NLP example. NPL cross-checks text to a list of words in the dictionary (used as a training set) and then identifies any spelling errors. The misspelled word is then added to a Machine Learning algorithm that conducts calculations and adds, removes, or replaces letters from the word, before matching it to a word that fits the overall sentence meaning. Then, the user has the option to correct the word automatically, or manually through spell check.

This way, you can set up custom tags for your inbox and every incoming email that meets the set requirements will be sent through the correct route depending on its content. Spam filters are where it all started – they uncovered patterns of words or phrases that were linked to spam messages. From a corporate perspective, spellcheck helps to filter out any inaccurate information in databases by removing typo variations. Thanks to NLP, you can analyse your survey responses accurately and effectively without needing to invest human resources in this process. Plus, tools like MonkeyLearn’s interactive Studio dashboard (see below) then allow you to see your analysis in one place – click the link above to play with our live public demo. However, trying to track down these countless threads and pull them together to form some kind of meaningful insights can be a challenge.

I say this partly because semantic analysis is one of the toughest parts of natural language processing and it’s not fully solved yet. It is becoming increasingly important for organizations to use natural language processing for entity linking as they strive to understand their data better. Many text analytics and search engine optimization (SEO) applications use it to rank the most relevant results based on the user’s query. In addition to improving search engine results, NLP for Entity Linking can also help organizations gain insights from their data through a better understanding of the text. A natural language processing expert is able to identify patterns in unstructured data.

AI chatbots are computer programs designed to simulate human conversation and perform various tasks through messaging or voice interactions. In recent years, a range of deep learning models has been developed for natural language processing (NLP) to improve, accelerate, and automate text analytics functions and NLP features. Machine learning, and especially deep learning methods, have shown to be very successful in solving NLP tasks. In deep learning, multiple layers of neural networks are used to learn representations of data at increasing levels of abstraction. This allows the network to learn complex patterns in the data to improve the performance of NLP models.

What is natural language processing (NLP)? – TechTarget

What is natural language processing (NLP)?.

Posted: Fri, 05 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

You can foun additiona information about ai customer service and artificial intelligence and NLP. The first and most important ingredient required for natural language processing to be effective is data. Once businesses have effective data collection and organization protocols in place, they are just one step away from realizing the capabilities of NLP. Natural language processing, or NLP for short, is a revolutionary new solution that is helping companies enhance their insights and get even more visibility into all facets of their customer-facing operations than ever before.

Explore NLP With Repustate

Although rule-based systems for manipulating symbols were still in use in 2020, they have become mostly obsolete with the advance of LLMs in 2023. Duplicate detection makes sure that you see a variety of search results by collating content re-published on multiple sites. Any time you type while composing a message or a search query, NLP will help you type faster. With NLP, it is possible to design systems that can recognize and comprehend spoken language, as well as respond appropriately — we call this Speech Recognition. The NLP technologies, such as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS), are used for Speech Recognition.

example of natural language processing

At the intersection of these two phenomena lies natural language processing (NLP)—the process of breaking down language into a format that is understandable and useful for both computers and humans. An NLP customer service-oriented example would be using semantic search to improve customer experience. Semantic search is a search method that understands the context of a search query and suggests appropriate responses. None of this would be possible without NLP which allows chatbots to listen to what customers are telling them and provide an appropriate response. This response is further enhanced when sentiment analysis and intent classification tools are used.


Many times, an autocorrect can also change the overall message creating more sense to the statement. Natural language processing is described as the interaction between human languages and computer technology. Often overlooked or may be used too frequently, NLP has been missed or skipped on many occasions. At the same time, we all are using NLP on a daily basis without even realizing it. By knowing the structure of sentences, we can start trying to understand the meaning of sentences. We start off with the meaning of words being vectors but we can also do this with whole phrases and sentences, where the meaning is also represented as vectors.

Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is a widely used technology for personal assistants that are used in various business fields/areas. This technology works on the speech provided by the user breaks it down for proper understanding and processes it accordingly. This is a very recent and effective approach due to which it has a really high demand in today’s market. Natural Language Processing is an upcoming field where already many transitions such as compatibility with smart devices, and interactive talks with a human have been made possible. Knowledge representation, logical reasoning, and constraint satisfaction were the emphasis of AI applications in NLP.

NLP combines rule-based modeling of human language called computational linguistics, with other models such as statistical models, Machine Learning, and deep learning. When integrated, these technological models allow computers to process human language through either text or spoken words. As a result, they can ‘understand’ the full meaning – including the speaker’s or writer’s intention and feelings. In the future, NLP is expected to become even more sophisticated, with the ability to understand complex human emotions and intentions with greater accuracy.

Predictive text and its cousin autocorrect have evolved a lot and now we have applications like Grammarly, which rely on natural language processing and machine learning. We also have Gmail’s Smart Compose which finishes your sentences for you as you type. However, large amounts of information are often impossible to analyze manually. Here is where natural language processing comes in handy — particularly sentiment analysis and feedback analysis tools which scan text for positive, negative, or neutral emotions. While both understand human language, NLU communicates with untrained individuals to learn and understand their intent. In addition to understanding words and interpreting meaning, NLU is programmed to understand meaning, despite common human errors, such as mispronunciations or transposed letters and words.

Financial Services

For example, if you’re on an eCommerce website and search for a specific product description, the semantic search engine will understand your intent and show you other products that you might be looking for. Request your free demo today to see how you can streamline your business with natural language processing and MonkeyLearn. The all new enterprise studio that brings together traditional machine learning along with new generative AI capabilities powered by foundation models. The next task is called the part-of-speech (POS) tagging or word-category disambiguation. This process elementarily identifies words in their grammatical forms as nouns, verbs, adjectives, past tense, etc. using a set of lexicon rules coded into the computer. After these two processes, the computer probably now understands the meaning of the speech that was made.

Only then can NLP tools transform text into something a machine can understand. Natural Language Processing has created the foundations for improving the functionalities of chatbots. One of the popular examples of such chatbots is the Stitch Fix bot, which offers personalized fashion advice according to the style preferences of the user.

This function predicts what you might be searching for, so you can simply click on it and save yourself the hassle of typing it out. IBM’s Global Adoption Index cited that almost half of businesses surveyed globally are using some kind of application powered by NLP. IBM has launched a new open-source toolkit, PrimeQA, to spur progress in multilingual question-answering systems to make it easier for anyone to quickly find information on the web. Watch IBM Data & AI GM, Rob Thomas as he hosts NLP experts and clients, showcasing how NLP technologies are optimizing businesses across industries.

This can be used for a variety of use-cases, including customer segmentation and marketing personalization. In a dynamic digital age where conversations about brands and products unfold in real-time, understanding and engaging with your audience is key to remaining relevant. It’s no longer enough to just have a social presence—you have to actively track and analyze what people are saying about you.

There are several NLP techniques that enable AI tools and devices to interact with and process human language in meaningful ways. Natural language processing (NLP) is the science of getting computers to talk, or interact with humans in human language. Examples of natural language processing include speech recognition, spell check, autocomplete, chatbots, and search engines. When it comes to examples of natural language processing, search engines are probably the most common. When a user uses a search engine to perform a specific search, the search engine uses an algorithm to not only search web content based on the keywords provided but also the intent of the searcher.

GPU-enabled models can be rapidly trained and then optimized to reduce response times in voice-assisted applications from tenths of seconds to milliseconds. This makes such computer-aided interactions as close to ‘natural’ as possible. The technology here can perform and transform unstructured data into meaningful information. NLP can be simply integrated into an app or a website for a user-friendly experience.

Monitor social engagement

This problem can also be transformed into a classification problem and a machine learning model can be trained for every relationship type. In one case, Akkio was used to classify the sentiment of tweets about a brand’s products, driving real-time customer feedback and allowing companies to adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. If a negative sentiment is detected, companies can quickly address customer needs before the situation escalates. The proposed test includes a task that involves the automated interpretation and generation of natural language. Social listening powered by AI tasks like NLP enables you to analyze thousands of social conversations in seconds to get the business intelligence you need.

  • Therefore, it is considered also one of the best natural language processing examples.
  • The use of NLP in the insurance industry allows companies to leverage text analytics and NLP for informed decision-making for critical claims and risk management processes.
  • Companies are now able to analyze vast amounts of customer data and extract insights from it.
  • Automatic insights not just focuses on analyzing or identifying the trends but generate insights about the service or product performance in a sentence form.
  • NLP is a process by which computers use AI technology to understand text or voice data and respond with text or speech of their own.

As a result of this process, search engines can understand the text better, and search results are improved as well. In text summarization, NLP also assists in identifying the main points and arguments in the text and how they relate to one another. A natural language processing system for text summarization can produce summaries from long texts, including articles in news magazines, legal and technical documents, and medical records.

When it comes to large businesses, keeping a track of, facilitating and analyzing thousands of customer interactions for improving services & products. In any of the cases, a computer- digital technology that can identify words, phrases, or responses using context related hints. There have also been huge advancements in machine translation through the rise of recurrent neural networks, about which I also wrote a blog post. It’s a good way to get started (like logistic or linear regression in data science), but it isn’t cutting edge and it is possible to do it way better. Natural language processing can help customers book tickets, track orders and even recommend similar products on e-commerce websites.

example of natural language processing

From a broader perspective, natural language processing can work wonders by extracting comprehensive insights from unstructured data in customer interactions. Natural Language Processing, or NLP, has emerged as a prominent solution for programming machines to decrypt and understand natural language. Most of the top NLP examples revolve around ensuring seamless communication between technology and people. The answers to these questions would determine the effectiveness of NLP as a tool for innovation.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are having a major impact on countless functions across numerous industries. While these technologies are helping companies optimize efficiencies and glean new insights from their data, there is a new capability that many are just beginning to discover. NLP models face many challenges due to the complexity and diversity of natural language. Some of these challenges include ambiguity, variability, context-dependence, figurative language, domain-specificity, noise, and lack of labeled data. The growth of computing lies in data, and much of that data is structured and unstructured text in written form. As the data revolution continues to evolve, the places where data intersects with human beings are often rendered in written text or spoken language.

Recent years have brought a revolution in the ability of computers to understand human languages, programming languages, and even biological and chemical sequences, such as DNA and protein structures, that resemble language. The latest AI models are unlocking these areas to analyze the meanings of input text and generate meaningful, expressive output. Sentiment analysis is one of the top NLP techniques used to analyze sentiment expressed in text.

example of natural language processing

Throughout the years, we will see more and more applications of NLP technology as it continues to advance. In addition to creating natural language text, NLP can also generate structured text for various purposes. To accomplish the structured text, algorithms are used to generate text with the same meaning as the input.

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